
Churchwide Prayer

We will have our monthly prayer gathering in the conference room at 9:00 am. All are encouraged to come pray together for the concerns of our congregation and community.

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Ash Wednesday

Brook Hollow will host a special time of worship, an Ash Wednesday Service, on Wednesday, March 5th at 6:15pm in the Gathering Place. This service will mark the beginning of Lent, the period of six and a half weeks leading up to the week of Easter Sunday. This is for all ages.

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Crochet's Out Of Love

"There is tremendous joy in putting God's arms around somebody else." That sums up the heart of the C.O.O.L. Ministry, which stands for "Crocheting Out Of Love." For over 16 years the ladies have been making baby blankets for a local hospital for preemie babies born there who do not survive; included is a sample of the blanket for the mother as a keepsake. Prayer shawls are continually being made for those who are shut in, are sick, have lost a loved one, or just need a hug or some encouragement. They pray as they stitch that each person who receives their handmade gifts will know and feel God's great love and care for them. This group meets the second Thursday of the month at 10 a.m.-12 p. m. in the Conference Room at the church.

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Women on Mission

Women of all ages are invited to attend the monthly gathering of Women on Mission. The group meets the third Tuesday of every month at 10 am at Brook Hollow. Each month, the group studies God’s Word, learns about and pray for missionaries and the people they serve, and engages in a mission action project to show God’s love to people. Come join the fellowship and fun!

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Women on Mission

Women of all ages are invited to attend the monthly gathering of Women on Mission. The group meets the third Tuesday of every month at 10 am at Brook Hollow. Each month, the group studies God’s Word, learns about and pray for missionaries and the people they serve, and engages in a mission action project to show God’s love to people. Come join the fellowship and fun! December’s meeting is held at someone’s home, please contact the church office for more information.

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Crochet's Out Of Love

"There is tremendous joy in putting God's arms around somebody else." That sums up the heart of the C.O.O.L. Ministry, which stands for "Crocheting Out Of Love." For over 16 years the ladies have been making baby blankets for a local hospital for preemie babies born there who do not survive; included is a sample of the blanket for the mother as a keepsake. Prayer shawls are continually being made for those who are shut in, are sick, have lost a loved one, or just need a hug or some encouragement. They pray as they stitch that each person who receives their handmade gifts will know and feel God's great love and care for them. This group meets the second Thursday of the month at 10 a.m.-12 p. m. in the Conference Room at the church.

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Souper Bowl Fellowship

Save the date for Sunday, February 2nd at 5:00pm! Bring a pot of your favorite soup or chili to share with the church family. Everyone is encouraged to sample all of the tasty offerings, or you can just enjoy your favorite. For fun, we will recognize the top three as determined by popular vote. Please know... You are encouraged to attend even if you cannot bring any soup or chili. There will be enough for everyone to enjoy all the want to eat! Please note this fellowship will take place the weekend before the Super Bowl and is about fellowship and church family.

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Churchwide Prayer

We will have our monthly prayer gathering in the conference room at 9:00 am. All are encouraged to come pray together for the concerns of our congregation and community.

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Women on Mission

Women of all ages are invited to attend the monthly gathering of Women on Mission. The group meets the third Tuesday of every month at 10 am at Brook Hollow. Each month, the group studies God’s Word, learns about and pray for missionaries and the people they serve, and engages in a mission action project to show God’s love to people. Come join the fellowship and fun!

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Churchwide Prayer

We will have our monthly prayer gathering in the conference room at 9:00 am. All are encouraged to come pray together for the concerns of our congregation and community.

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to Dec 21

Kentucky Christmas Mission Trip

BHBC will be traveling to eastern Kentucky just before Christmas to deliver presents and food to our friends near Salyersville, Kentucky. You can participate by donating a $25 Walmart Gift Card to this annual ministry. (You can also make a financial contribution and the church office will purchase the gift card for you.)

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Women on Mission

Women of all ages are invited to attend the monthly gathering of Women on Mission. The group meets the third Tuesday of every month at 10 am at Brook Hollow. Each month, the group studies God’s Word, learns about and pray for missionaries and the people they serve, and engages in a mission action project to show God’s love to people. Come join the fellowship and fun! December’s meeting is held at someone’s home, please contact the church office for more information.

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Crochet's Out Of Love

"There is tremendous joy in putting God's arms around somebody else." That sums up the heart of the C.O.O.L. Ministry, which stands for "Crocheting Out Of Love." For over 16 years the ladies have been making baby blankets for a local hospital for preemie babies born there who do not survive; included is a sample of the blanket for the mother as a keepsake. Prayer shawls are continually being made for those who are shut in, are sick, have lost a loved one, or just need a hug or some encouragement. They pray as they stitch that each person who receives their handmade gifts will know and feel God's great love and care for them. This group meets the second Thursday of the month at 10 a.m.-12 p. m. in the Conference Room at the church.

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Women's Fellowship Breakfast

The women of Brook Hollow and their guests are invited to gather at The Loveless Cafe for breakfast at 9:00 AM. Please let the church office know if you plan on attending by November 27th so we can make a reservation.

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Churchwide Prayer

We will have our monthly prayer gathering in the conference room at 9:00 am. All are encouraged to come pray together for the concerns of our congregation and community.

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BHBC Annual Thanksgiving Meal

On Sunday, November 24th we will gather to Give Thanks to God and enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal in the dining room at 5:00 p.m. Please invite your family, friends, and neighbors to attend with you.... please make your reservation by Sunday, November 17th. Call the church office at 615-352-1295 or use the signup sheet at the Welcome Desk. Thank you to Dorothy Hundley and your team for coordinating what will be another festive celebration of thanksgiving and friendship.

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Women on Mission

Women of all ages are invited to attend the monthly gathering of Women on Mission. The group meets the third Tuesday of every month at 10 am at Brook Hollow. Each month, the group studies God’s Word, learns about and pray for missionaries and the people they serve, and engages in a mission action project to show God’s love to people. Come join the fellowship and fun!

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Crochet's Out Of Love

"There is tremendous joy in putting God's arms around somebody else." That sums up the heart of the C.O.O.L. Ministry, which stands for "Crocheting Out Of Love." For over 16 years the ladies have been making baby blankets for a local hospital for preemie babies born there who do not survive; included is a sample of the blanket for the mother as a keepsake. Prayer shawls are continually being made for those who are shut in, are sick, have lost a loved one, or just need a hug or some encouragement. They pray as they stitch that each person who receives their handmade gifts will know and feel God's great love and care for them. This group meets the second Thursday of the month at 10 a.m.-12 p. m. in the Conference Room at the church.

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Churchwide Prayer

We will have our monthly prayer gathering in the conference room at 9:00 am. All are encouraged to come pray together for the concerns of our congregation and community.

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Join us for our Annual Tradition of safe trick-or-treating from trunk to trunk in our BHBC parking lot. Wear your costume! Free food & drinks, fun for the whole family! we are now accepting donations of candy for this event. Please drop off your sweet donation at the church office.

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