Women’s Ministry
Women On Mission
Women of all ages are invited to attend the monthly gathering of Women on Mission. The group meets the third Tuesday of every month at 10 am at Brook Hollow. Each month, the group studies God’s Word, learns about and prays for missionaries and the people they serve, and engages in a mission action project to show God’s love to people. Come join the fellowship and fun!
For further information, contact Tracey Gholson via email by clicking HERE or Sharon Tyler by clicking HERE.
COOL Ministry
"There is tremendous joy in putting God's arms around somebody else." That sums up the heart of the C.O.O.L. Ministry, which stands for "Crocheting Out Of Love." For over 16 years the ladies have been making baby blankets for a local hospital for preemie babies who do not survive; included is a sample of the blanket for the mother as a keepsake. Prayer shawls are continually being made for those who are shut in, are sick, have lost a loved one, or just need a hug or some encouragement. They pray as they stitch that each person who receives their handmade gifts will know and feel God's great love and care for them. This group meets the second Thursday of the month at 10 a.m.-12 p. m. in the Conference Room at the church.
For further information, call the church office by clicking HERE.
JULIETS (Women's Breakfast Group)
JULIET stands for Just Us Ladies Into Eating Together. They meet the first Tuesday of every month at 9:00 am at a different restaurant for a wonderful time of food and fellowship.
For further information, contact Teddy Jo Carson via email by clicking HERE.